ИММУНИТЕТ [ immunity ] (Лат.: immunis - неприкосновенный, невредимый; ~14 в.) 1649). Иммунитет - это специфическая защитная функция организма, процесс осуществления этой защитной функции и его результаты.
Раздел биологии и медицины, предметом изучения которого являются механизмы осуществления защитных реакций иммунитета, предназначенных для сохранения структурно-функциональной целостности организма называют иммунологией. Иммунология сформировалась в 19 веке как раздел медицинской микробиологии. Система, осуществляющая функцию иммунитета, состоит из иерархии структур: органов, тканей, клеток, молекул и генов. Эти структуры распознают чужеродные вещества, которые могут оказывать патогенное влияние на организм, и реагируют на них, для того, чтобы нейтрализовать их патогенное влияние. Различают неспецифический, или врождённый иммунитет и специфический, или приобретённый иммунитет.
9 Immunology and immunopathology
10 Inflammation
Underwood J.C.E. General and Systematic Pathology = Общая и системная патология, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2004, 856 p. Хорошо иллюстрированное руководство. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Baynes J.W., Dominiczak M.H. Medical Biochemistry. Mosby, 2004, 696 p. Отлично иллюстрированный справочник и учебное пособие. Формат .CHM. . Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
Table 36-1. Cells involved in inflammation
Figure 36.1 The complement cascade. Activating stimuli bear surfaces that trigger complement activation, and to which the activated component can attach itself. The late components of the cascade do not show enzymatic activity. Instead, they coalesce to form a polymeric macromolecule (the membrane attack complex), which can insert itself into the activating surface (the cell wall in the case of bacteria), breach its integrity and cause osmotic lysis.
Figure 36.2 Structure of the ?/?, ?/? T-cell receptors. V and C refer to the variable and constant sequence domains, respectively, of each of the ?, ?, ? and ?chains. Modified from Roitt IM et al. Immunology, 5th edn. London: Mosby, 1998.
Figure 36.3 Structure of B-cell antigen receptor.
Figure 36.4 Immunoglobulin variable gene recombination events. The apparent requirement for a huge number of genes required for antibody diversity is resolved by using a gene rearrangement strategy. The variable domains of both the heavy (H) and light (L) chains are encoded by a number of gene segments, two for the L chain (Variable L [VL] and Junctional L [JL]) and three for the H chain (Variable H [VH], Diversity H [DH], and Junctional H [JH]). The constant domains that make up the majority of the heavy chain molecules and half the light chain molecules are coded for by single gene segments, CH and CL, respectively.
Figure 36.5 Clonal selection in B cells. Antigen-specific (Ag-specific) secretory immunoglobulin (sIg) on the B-cell membrane has a shape reciprocal to the antigen. Antigen-immunoglobulin binding leads to activation and proliferation to produce a clone of antigen-specific B cells. Each member of the specifically activated clone then undergoes differentiation into a plasma cell, which produces large quantities of a single homogeneous immunoglobulin with identical specificity to the sIg that triggered the response in the first instance.
Figure 36.6 The integrated cellular immune response. T-helper cells (Th cells) are involved in many aspects of the cellular immune response. Cytokine and direct Th cell-mediated activation of B cells leads to differentiation to plasma cells, which secrete antibody. AG:AB, antigen-antibody; APC, antigen presenting cell; Tc, cytotoxic T cell; Th, T helper cell.
Figure 36.7 Genetic organization of the MHC and expressed products. Genes of the MHC in humans are located on chromosome 6. The gene products are the human leukocyte antigens (HLA).
Figure 36.8 Class I and II MHC (HLA) structure. On the left there are class I and class II MHC molecules. In class I molecules ?2-microglobulin (?2 m) provides the fourth domain. On the right, this is related to the types of protein conformation in the MHC molecules.
Figure 36.9 Complement activation pathways. There are three possible pathways of complement activation. Only the classical pathway is triggered by the specific immune response. The mannose binding ligand (MBL) pathway and the alternative activation pathway are triggered directly by microbes and their products.
Table 36-2. Effector functions of antibodies.
Figure 36.10 Summary of the specific immune response. Interrelationships between cellular and humoral components of the specific immune response. APC, antigen presenting cell; Th, T-helper cell; Tc, cytotoxic T cell; MHC, major histocompatibility complex; TCR, T-cell receptor.
Table 36-3. Disorders of immune regulation
Body_ID: HC036079
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Body_ID: P0522
Integrated immune response to non-self or altered-self elements (antigen(s)) is made up of a number of components. Some of these show unique specificity for the particular stimulating antigen(s) and comprise the specific or adaptive immune response, whilst others do not and comprise the nonspecific or innate immune response.
The nonspecific response represents the first line response and can be considered cruder and more primitive. The cells and soluble mediators involved are primarily those associated with the processes of acute inflammation and endothelial cell activation.
The specific response is more refined and usually invoked only in the face of either failure/continued stimulation of the nonspecific response. The cells responsible for the specific immune response are the lymphocytes; T, B and NK. The specificity they show for the inciting antigen is achieved via the use of specific antigen receptors, T cell and B cell receptors, expressed on cell surface.
T cells recognize processed antigen via the TcR interacting with antigen presented by MHC-bearing cells, leading to the secretion of additional cytokines and the generation of effector functions such as T cell help and T cell-mediated cytotoxicity brought about by the T-helper and T-cytotoxic subsets respectively. Historically, T cell responses have been termed the cellular immune response.
B cells recognize native antigen and secrete soluble forms of the individual B cell antigen receptors which we recognize as antibodies. Historically, B cells and their antibody products have been termed the humoral immune response. Both T and B cells and their products are able to recruit and utilize components of the nonspecific response in a more effective and targeted manner, with the aim of eliminating or eradicating the antigen.
In addition to demonstrating specificity, the specific immune response also demonstrates another critically important characteristic not seen with the nonspecific response - the memory for its encounter with all types of antigen. The benefit of this is that, on subsequent contact with the same antigen, the antigen can be eliminated more quickly and effectively, and with less tissue damage, than on the previous occasion.
Body_ID: PB36008
Body_ID: B036004
Compare T and B lymphocytes.
What are adhesion molecules and what is their role in the immune response?
Can one distinguish T and B lymphocytes under a microscope?
What is the role of the Fc fragment of an immunoglobulin?
What is the role of the thymus in the immune response?
Body_ID: PB36009
Further reading
Body_ID: None
Roitt IM. Immunology, 5th edn. London: Mosby, 1998.
Body_ID: R036001
Janeway C, Traver P, Hunt S, Walport M. Immunobiology, 5th edn. London: Garland, 2002.
Body_ID: R036002
Chapel H, Heaney M, Misbah S, Snowden N. Essentials of Clinical Immunology, 4th edn. Oxford: Blackwell; 1999.
Body_ID: R036003
Parkin J, Cohen B. An overview of the immune system. Lancet 2001;357:1777-1789. Full article
Essentials of Clinical Immunology 2006
Chapel H., Haeney M., Misbah S.
2_169/Essentials of Clinical Immunology5ed2006.pdf Черно-белое
Young B., Lowe J.S., Stevens A., Heath J.W., Eds. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th ed., 2006
immty1_1.jpg = Figure 11.1 The organs of the immune system; Ag antigen APC antigen presenting cell B B lymphocyte IL interleukin MAC membrane attack complex MHC major histocompatibility complex PA processed antigen sIg surface immunoglobulin Tc cytotoxic T cell TCR T cell receptor Th T helper cell
immty2_1.jpg = Figure 11.2 The basics of the immune response
immty3_1.jpg = Figure 11.3 Lymphocytes and antigen presenting cell (a) Schematic diagram (b) EM ?18 000; AP antigenic peptide APC antigen presenting cell B bacterium CE cytoplasmic extensions EE early endosome ER endoplasmic reticulum L lymphocyte Ly lysosome MHC I major histocompatibility complex class I MHC II major histocompatibility complex class II P phagosome PL phagolysosome PM plasma membrane Pr proteasome Tc cytotoxic T cell TCR T cell receptor Th T helper cell VP viral peptide VPr viral protein
immty4_1.jpg = Figure 11.4 Lymphocyte surface markers (таблица)
immty5_1.jpg = Figure 11.10 Structure of the lymph node (a) Schematic diagram (b) Reticulin method ?30
immty6_1.jpg =
Два отсюда
2_116/Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology2004.chm
7 Maternal Physiologic and Immunologic Adaptation to Pregnancy
Brian J. Koos
Bahij S. Nuwayhid
J. George Moore
7 Maternal Physiologic and Immunologic Adaptation to Pregnancy
immty7_1.jpg = Figure 7-4 Summary of innate immunity. Surface antigens of viruses, bacteria, and tumors induce innate immune system function. In this system, natural killer (NK) cells and phagocytes, such as macrophages, can recognize certain antigens in a nonspecific fashion and either lyse the offending infected cells or tumor cells or ingest and destroy the offending organisms. Note that only the foreign nature of the antigen is required; antigen processing and major histocompatibility antigen participation are not necessary. Reproduced with permission from Silver R, Branch DW: Immunology of Pregnancy. In Creasy RK, Resnick R (eds): Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1999.
immty8_1.jpg = Figure 7-5 Summary of adaptive immunity. Adaptive immune responses initially require antigen processing and subsequent presentation to T cells. A T cell with a receptor specific for an inciting antigen will be activated and undergo clonal proliferation. In part, the type of cytokine produced by the activated T cell dictates the nature of the subsequent response. Interleukin-2 is the primary growth factor required for clonal proliferation of T cells and stimulates the proliferation of cytotoxic and memory T cells. Interleukin-4 and -5 stimulate B-cell proliferation, differentiation and antibody production. Reproduced with permission from Silver R, Branch DW: Immunology of Pregnancy. In Creasy RK, Resnick R (eds): Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1999.
Схема. Органы иммунной системы. Модификация: Young B., Lowe J.S., Stevens A., Heath J.W., Eds. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th ed., 2006., см.: Гистология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации.
Ag antigen APC antigen presenting cell B B lymphocyte IL interleukin MAC membrane attack complex MHC major histocompatibility complex PA processed antigen sIg surface immunoglobulin Tc cytotoxic T cell TCR T cell receptor Th T helper cell. |
Схема. Клеточно-опосредованный и гуморальный механизмы ответа системы иммунитета. Модификация: Goldsby R.A., Kindt T.J., Osborne B.A., Kuby J. Immunology 4th ed, W. H. Freeman, 2003, 560 p., см.: Физиология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации.
In the humoral response, B cells
interact with antigen and then differentiate into antibody-secreting
plasma cells. The secreted antibody binds to the antigen and
facilitates its clearance from the body. In the cell-mediated response,
various subpopulations of T cells recognize antigen presented
on self-cells. TH cells respond to antigen by producing cytokines.
TC cells respond to antigen by developing into cytotoxic T
lymphocytes (CTLs), which mediate killing of altered self-cells
(e.g., virus-infected cells). |
Схема. Основные компоненты имунного ответа - 1. Модификация: Young B., Lowe J.S., Stevens A., Heath J.W., Eds. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th ed., 2006., см.: Гистология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации.
Схема. Основные компоненты имунного ответа - 2. Модификация: Young B., Lowe J.S., Stevens A., Heath J.W., Eds. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th ed., 2006., см.: Гистология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации.
Схема. Структура лимфатического узла; (a) общее строение; (b) микрофотография, х30.. Модификация: Young B., Lowe J.S., Stevens A., Heath J.W., Eds. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th ed., 2006., см.: Гистология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации.
Схема. Кровеносные сосуды и красная пульпа селезёнки. Модификация: Young B., Lowe J.S., Stevens A., Heath J.W., Eds. Wheater's Functional Histology: A Text and Colour Atlas, 5th ed., 2006., см.: Гистология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации.
Схема. Figure 7-4 Summary of innate immunity. Модификация: Koos B.J., Nuwayhid B.S., Moore G.J. Maternal Physiologic and Immunologic Adaptation to Pregnancy. In: Hacker N., Moore J.G., Gambone J., Eds. Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Saunders, 2004, 544 p., см.: Физиология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации |
Surface antigens of viruses, bacteria, and tumors induce innate immune system function. In this system, natural killer (NK) cells and phagocytes, such as macrophages, can recognize certain antigens in a nonspecific fashion and either lyse the offending infected cells or tumor cells or ingest and destroy the offending organisms. Note that only the foreign nature of the antigen is required; antigen processing and major histocompatibility antigen participation are not necessary. Reproduced with permission from Silver R, Branch DW: Immunology of Pregnancy. In Creasy RK, Resnick R (eds): Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1999.
The innate immune system, the first line of defense, involves a response that depends only on the foreign nature of the inciting antigen. The effector cells of this system are phagocytes (monocytes and tissue macrophages), granulocytes, and natural killer (NK) cells. NK cells are nonphagocytic lymphocytes that do not require a specific antigen. The antigen need only be foreign. Interferons are one of the primary cytokine groups that activate NK cells and induce resistance to viral infectors. NK cells and macrophages can either lyse invading infected or neoplastic cells or phagocytize and destroy the offending organisms (Figure 7-4). Acute-phase proteins and complement have the ability to lyse some bacteria without cellular participation. Circulating factors such as complement and acute phase proteins are also part of the innate immune system. The complement system is composed of multiple proteins that can be activated through either a classic or alternative pathway. Each pathway converges onto a final common cascade of reactions leading to the destruction of microbial pathogens. The complement cascade can bind to foreign organisms, lyse bacteria, facilitate phagocytosis and attract circulating phagocytes.
The innate immune effector cells first arise from hematopoietic progenitors noted in the blood islands of the yolk sac. By 8 embryonic weeks, the fetal liver becomes the source of these cells, and by 20 weeks the fetal bone marrow takes over. By 18 weeks, the various protein components of the innate immune system appear, but complement levels remain low. Complement levels begin to rise by the third trimester and reach normal levels by one year of age.
The cellular component of the adaptive immunity, T cells, are also derived from hematopoietic progenitors that are first seen in the blood islands of the yolk sac by 8 weeks. To differentiate into activated T cells, they must first migrate to the thymus gland, a relatively large organ in the fetus, the sole function of which appears to be nurturing and developing T cells. After maturation, T cells develop into either CD4 or CD8 types according to the surface receptor expressed. By 16 weeks, the thymus contains T cells in proportion to those found in the adult.
As previously noted, the requirement of mature T cells to recognize only antigens phagocytized in host cells is known as the MHC restriction. There are two types of MHC antigens. Class I MHC antigens (HLA-A, -B, and -C) are present in most cells of the body and are recognized by CD8 surface adhesive molecules. CD8-positive T cells act as cytotoxic or suppressor cells. Class II MHC molecules are expressed in far fewer cells, largely macrophages. Antigens presented in class II MHC molecules are recognized by T cells with the CD4 surface molecule. In the newborn, the proportion of CD4 T cells and CD8 T cells is similar to that in the adult.
Fetal B cells secrete IgG or IgA during the second trimester, but IgM antibodies are not secreted until the third trimester. Cord IgM levels greater than 20 mg/dL suggest an intrauterine infection. Maternal IgG crosses the placenta as early as the late 1st trimester, but the efficiency of the transport is poor until 30 weeks. For this reason premature infants are not as well protected by maternal antibodies.
The maintenance of the antigenically dissimilar fetus in the uterus of the mother is of primary importance in obstetrics. Most of the attention in this field has come from the study of organ transplantation. The presence of the fetus is analogous to the grafting of tissues or organs between two individuals of the same species who are genetically dissimilar. Because all humans (except identical twins) are considered to be genetically dissimilar (allogeneic), such transplants are referred to as allografts. A number of mechanisms have been proposed to account for the tolerance and subsequent success of the fetal allograft.
The primary sites of modulation (suppression) of the maternal response to the fetus are the uterus, regional lymphatics, and placental surface. The uterus has been considered to be an immunologically privileged site, similar to the anterior chamber of the eye or the adrenal gland. These sites appear to possess decreased or altered afferent lymphatic systems that allow them to modify the host response to an allograft, and it appears that a similar mechanism may apply in the uterus during pregnancy.
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The T cells, which primarily mediate the cellular response to foreign tissue by acting either to help or to suppress the immune response, are also locally altered in pregnancy. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes at the maternal-fetal interface have limited ability to mount an immune response to the trophoblast antigens. Pregnancy-related suppressor T cells capable of decreasing the maternal lymphocytic response have been described. These cells, in conjunction with placental interventions, can lead to an altered local immunologic environment.
The separate vascular compartments found in the hemo-monochorionic placentation of the human effectively remove the fetus from direct contact with the maternal immunologic defense system. This allows the placenta to function as an interface between two distinct systems. Tight trophoblastic intercellular junctions and a fibrinous covering of the trophoblast lead to control of the cellular and molecular fetomaternal transport. Although the trophoblast has been shown to possess class I HLA antigens, the placenta lacks the class II MHC antigens that are necessary for the maternal lymphocytes to initiate an effective immunologic response.
The placenta produces a number of pregnancy-associated plasma proteins and steroids that may alter the maternal immune response. These include pregnancy-specific ?2-globulins, 1-glycoprotein, human placental lactogen (hPL), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), as well as the sex steroids estrogen and progesterone. All of these substances have been shown to suppress nonspecifically the local immune response in pregnancy.
In addition, the placenta functions as an immunoabsorbent to decrease the response against the fetus. Antibodies that are generated by the maternal immune response against paternal antigens in the placental surface (masking antibodies) and local immune complexes (blocking antibodies) may be trapped in the placenta. These complexes can either modify or block the immune response, or both, by facilitating enhancing antibodies and cellular suppression.
These mechanisms, which are summarized in Table 7-8, are thought to account for the maternal tolerance and the lack of host rejection seen in the majority of pregnancies.
Схема. Figure 7-5 Summary of adaptive immunity. Модификация: Koos B.J., Nuwayhid B.S., Moore G.J. Maternal Physiologic and Immunologic Adaptation to Pregnancy. In: Hacker N., Moore J.G., Gambone J., Eds. Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Saunders, 2004, 544 p., см.: Физиология человека: Литература. Иллюстрации |
Adaptive immune responses initially require antigen processing and subsequent presentation to T cells. A T cell with a receptor specific for an inciting antigen will be activated and undergo clonal proliferation. In part, the type of cytokine produced by the activated T cell dictates the nature of the subsequent response. Interleukin-2 is the primary growth factor required for clonal proliferation of T cells and stimulates the proliferation of cytotoxic and memory T cells. Interleukin-4 and -5 stimulate B-cell proliferation, differentiation and antibody production. Reproduced with permission from Silver R, Branch DW: Immunology of Pregnancy. In Creasy RK, Resnick R (eds): Maternal-Fetal Medicine. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1999.
The adaptive immune system involves both cellular and humoral responses to a specific antigen. The phagocytic cells in this system must first process the ingested antigen, which is recognized by T cells that are activated by this process. The recognition process occurs largely in the context of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (i.e., ABO self-antigens). In this process, the T cells develop surface receptors for specific foreign antigens and undergo clonal proliferation as noted in Figure 7-5. Cytotoxic (activated) T cells kill target cells. They also stimulate antibody production by B lymphocytes. Interleukin-2 is the primary growth factor required for clonal proliferation of T cells, and it stimulates the production of cytotoxic and memory T cells. Interleukin-4 and -5 stimulate B-cell proliferation and differentiation for immunoglobulin (antibody) production. The specificity of the B-cell response is governed by a process of gene rearrangement that creates a virtually limitless variety of immunoglobulin antigen-recognition sites, and a large menu of specific immunoglobulins is therefore possible.
Under certain conditions (e.g., pregnancy), T-suppressor cells may be activated and specifically suppress the activity of macrophages, B-cells, and T helper cells. Generally, viruses and parasites tend to elicit a T-cell adaptive immune response, whereas bacteria tend to elicit a B-cell antibody response.
The mother's immunologic defense system remains intact during pregnancy. While allowing the fetal allograft to exist, the mother must still be able to protect herself and her fetus from infection and antigenically foreign substances. The nonspecific (innate) mechanisms of the immunologic system (including phagocytosis and the inflammatory response) are not affected by pregnancy. The specific (adaptive) mechanisms of the immune response (humoral and cellular) are also not significantly affected. No significant change occurs in the leukocyte count. The percentage of B or T lymphocytes is not appreciably altered, nor is there any consistent alteration in their performance during pregnancy.
Table 7-8. Proposed mechanisms for the success of the fetal allograft
Maternal Systemic Uterus and Local Lymphatic System Placenta Systemic
None (normal cell- mediated immunity) Privileged immunologic site Separation of the maternal-fetal circulations, Unidentified humoral and cellular immunosuppressive elements
Localized, nonspecific suppression induces tolerance and generates suppressor T cells including tight local barriers Lack of expression of the class II major histocompatibility antigen (HLA) at the maternal-fetal interface
Limited immune response of cytotoxic T lymphocytes to trophoblast
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Immunoglobulin levels do not change in pregnancy. Maternal IgG is the major component of fetal immunoglobulin in utero and in the early neonatal period. IgG is the only immunoglobulin that is transported across the placenta. Significant passive immunity can be transferred to the fetus in this manner, and aids in protecting it from infection during the perinatal period. IgM, because of its larger molecular size, is unable to cross the placenta. The other immunoglobulins (IgA, IgD, and IgE) are also confined to the maternal compartment.
The fetal immune system develops early (8 to 20 weeks). Lymphocytes are present by the 7th week, and antigen recognition is demonstrable by the 12th week. In all of the immunoglobulin classes except IgA, fetal components are present by week 12. Production of the various immunoglobulins is progressive throughout gestation. The newborn fetus at term has developed a sufficient defense system to combat bacterial and viral challenges.
Литература. Иллюстрации. References. Illustrations
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Учебное пособие для ВУЗов по специальности биология. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
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Монография, созданная коллективом ведущих специалистов. Руководство для научных работников, учебник для студентов. Цитата из данного источника: Том 1, 1987-1988, 487 с., Том 2, 1987-1988, 456 с. Том 3, 1987-1989, 360 с. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
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Учебное пособие. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Goldsby R.A. Immunology, 5th ed. W.H. Freeman, 2003, 603 p.
Иммунология. 2003, 603 с. Тщательно разработанный и хорошо иллюстрированный учебник. . Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Goldsby R.A., Kindt T.J., Osborne B.A., Kuby J. Immunology = Иммунология. 4th ed, W. H. Freeman, 2003, 560 p. Тщательно разработанный и хорошо иллюстрированный учебник.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Kam P.C.A., Thompson J.F., and Uren R.F., Eds. Microanatomy and Physiology of the Lymphatic System = Микроанатомия и физиология лимфатической системы, p. 1-22. In: Nieweg O.E., Essner R., Reintgen D.S., Thompson J.F., Eds. Lymphatic Mapping and Probe Applications in Oncology = Картирование лимфатической системы и применение результатов в онкологии. Informa HealthCare, 2000, 378 p. Сборник обзоров.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Kenney M.J., Ganta C.K. Autonomic Nervous System and Immune System Interactions = Взаимодействие автономной нервной системы и имунной системы. Compr. Physiol. 2014, 4, 1177-1200.
Иллюстрированный обзор. . Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Kindt T.J., Osborne B.A., Goldsby R.A. Kuby Immunology = Иммунология. 5th ed., W.H. Freeman & Company, 2000, 670 p.
Иллюстрированное учебное пособие. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Lanza R., Gearhart J., Hogan B., Melton D., Pederson R., Thomas E.D., Thomson J., Wilmut I. Essentials of Stem Cell Biology = Основы биологии стволовых клеток. 2nd ed., Academic Press, 2009, 680 p. Иллюстрированное учебное пособие.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Machelska H., Stein C., Eds. Immune Mechanisms of Pain and Analgesia, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2003, 174 p.
Иммунные механизмы боли и аналгезия. 2003, 174 с. Сборник обзоров, подготовленный коллективом авторитетных специалистов. Норма и патология. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Mak T.W., Saunders M.E. Primer to The Immune Response = Иммунный ответ. Elsevier, 2008, 455 p.
Учебное пособие. . Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Mims C., Dockrell H., Goering R., Roitt I., Wakelin D., Zuckerman M. Medical Microbiology = Медицинская микробиология,
3rd ed., Mosby, 2004, 660 p. Прекрасно иллюстрированный учебник. . Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Nijkamp F.P., Parnham M.J., Eds. Principles of Immunopharmacology = Принципы иммунофармакологии, 2nd ed. Birkhauser, 2005, 684 p.
Сборник иллюстрированных обзоров. Иммунитет: норма, патология, фармакология. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- O'Gorman M.R.G., Donnenberg A.D. Handbook of Human Immunology = Иммунология человека. CRC, 2008, 640 p. Учебное пособие.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Owen J., Punt J., Stranford S. Kuby Immunology = Иммунология. 7th ed, W. H. Freeman, 2013, 832 p. Тщательно разработанный и хорошо иллюстрированный учебник.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Paul W.E. Fundamental Immunology = Основы иммунологии. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008, 1584 p. Учебное пособие.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Paul W.E., Ed. Fundamental Immunology = Основы иммуннолдогии. 6th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2008, 1646 p.
Учебное пособие. . Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Rabson A., Roitt I., Delves P. Really Essential Medical Immunology = Основы медицинской иммунологии. Wiley-Blackwell, 2004, 224 p.
Иллюстрированное учебное пособие. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Rabson A., Roitt I., Delves P. Really Essential Medical Immunology = Основы медицинской иммунологии. Wiley-Blackwell, 2004, 224 p.
Иллюстрированное учебное пособие. Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Roitt I.M., Delves P.J. Essential Immunology = Основы иммунологии, 10th ed. Blackwell Science, 2005, 559 p. Иллюстрированное учебное пособие. .
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Shetty N. Immunology Introductory Textbook = Иммунология. Введение, 2nd ed. New Age International, 2005, 224 p. Учебное пособие.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Silverstein A.M. A History of Immunology. Academic Press, 2009, 544 p. Учебное пособие.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Stewart G. The Immune System (Your Body: How It Works) = Система иммунитета. Chelsea House Publications, 2003, 134 p.
Популярное иллюстрированное учебное пособие. . Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Virella G., Ed. Medical Immunology = Медицинская иммунология. Informa Healthcare, 2007, 465 p. Учебное пособие.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
- Zabriskie J.B. Essential Clinical Immunology = Основы клинической иммунологии. Cambridge University Press, 2009, 384 p. Учебное пособие.
Доступ к данному источнику = Access to the reference. URL: http://www.tryphonov.ru/tryphonov/serv_r.htm#0 quotation
«Я У Ч Е Н Ы Й И Л И . . . Н Е Д О У Ч К А ?» Т Е С Т В А Ш Е Г О И Н Т Е Л Л Е К Т А
Предпосылка: Эффективность развития любой отрасли знаний определяется степенью соответствия методологии познания - познаваемой сущности. Реальность: Живые структуры от биохимического и субклеточного уровня, до целого организма являются вероятностными структурами. Функции вероятностных структур являются вероятностными функциями. Необходимое условие: Эффективное исследование вероятностных структур и функций должно основываться на вероятностной методологии (Трифонов Е.В., 1978,..., ..., 2015, …).
Критерий: Степень развития морфологии, физиологии, психологии человека и медицины, объём индивидуальных и социальных знаний в этих областях определяется степенью использования вероятностной методологии.
Актуальные знания: В соответствии с предпосылкой, реальностью, необходимым условием и критерием...
... о ц е н и т е с а м о с т о я т е л ь н о: — с т е п е н ь р а з в и т и я с о в р е м е н н о й н а у к и, — о б ъ е м В а ш и х з н а н и й и — В а ш и н т е л л е к т !
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